Argentina Germany

Argentina Germany

Friday 5 September 2014

What I always wanted

So I've been doing this 'project' since around May, so have a bit to write until we are up to date. But hey ho, let's start at the beginning.

The beginning was around 5 years ago... kind of. I guess the real beginning was being a 7 year old boy watching Itaila '90 playing with my Subbuteo set. I don't know if it was a Christmas or birthday present but I remember it so well.

I had the Italia '90 set. The goals, the balls, the pitch, all with the Italia '90 logo on. I had Argentina, England (who also doubled as Tottenham), Italy, and Arsenal plus some others. I also had a one terrance, one corner stand, and one grandstand, along with referees, fences, scoreboard, the lot. All the accessories you could think off. But what I really wanted was the stadium, the full stadium you would see in the catalogues, floodlights, the lot (gutted I never owe ned floodlights. As a family we even had the Subbuteo computer game on either the Amiga 600 or the Commdore 64.

I used to set the whole thing up, all three stands, and play against myself, being an only child, it meant I always won. I would sometimes sneak into to mums room and borrow the old VHSmini camcorder and make stop motion videos with it, recording a second at a time then moving the players along. Used to get moaned at for not tidying it away too. Think I got the idea from Art Attack or Blue Peter, defiantly some children's TV program. They did it with something else but I used my Subbuteo.

That went for a good few years, but as many children do, I got rid of it, not realising one day I'd want it all back, or the vaule it could have. As kids, we just grow up too fast and suddenly the things we have, the toys we loved, are no longer cool and we want the newest computer game or money to go out. Althought I also remember after being rid of it, still going into Toy R Us and looking at the teams and accessories. 

Anyway I digress, move forward until around 5 years ago, living with friend we would talk about our future man caves. We would get geeky and nerdy and he would say "I'd love a train set in the loft when I'm really old" to which I would reply "a Subbuteo set up would be epic". That's was it I'd planted the seed in my head and being the rather obsessive person I am.

The seed stayed domant until last October when I moved into a beautiful flat with my girlfriend. On moving in I headed into the loft and could not believe the size of it, massive, the size of the whole flat, all boarded with room to fully stand up and walk around.

All the jokes went round, of what we could have up there a bar, a music room and such, it's was definalty going to be mine, my better half hates it up there. Around May, I decided I wanted to set up and collect what I always wanted years ago, my Subbuteo Stadium. So that is what I begun to plan and toy around with...

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