Argentina Germany

Argentina Germany

Monday 14 September 2015

Wow... been almost a year since I've written anything on here. Really wish I had the time write the blog and story I wanted but life sadly gets in the way, there was so much I had (and still have) in my  in my mind to get down.

So if you wish to keep up with my Subbuteo collection I will be placing all my photos onto Flickr. That way I can keep an up to date photo blog of sorts.

I'm still collecting where I can, and on Flickr there is currently 160 photos uploading to start me off. From here whatever I collect I'll snap and add to here with descriptions and anything else I can.

Please feel free to share and link too.

The address is

Who knows one day I'll get to finish the blog and story but until then see you on Flickr...

Happy flicking